/************************************************************************ To configure bitlbee, do the following: Copy %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/bitlbee.conf to %%PREFIX%%/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf , Copy %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/motd.txt to %%PREFIX%%/etc/bitlbee/motd.txt and modify them to suit your needs. You have two options for launching bitlbee: either launch it from inetd(8) or run it as a stand-alone daemon. To launch bitlbee from inetd(8), add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf and reload inetd(8): ircd stream tcp nowait bitlbee /usr/local/sbin/bitlbee bitlbee -I To instead launch bitlbee as a daemon, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf: bitlbee_enable="YES" *************************************************************************/